Sunday, October 30, 2011

Chapter 9

1. Which political party do you most identify with?  Why?  Are there things in the party platform with which you disagree?

I find myself relating with the Democratic party more than the republican party. The idea of giving the rich more tax breaks in a hope that they will then put the extra money into hiring and paying better is kinda like crossing your fingers to me. I also like the fact that the democratic party seems to be looking out for more of my needs.

2. Does America need political parties?  The founders originally hoped that American politics would operate without need of parties?  Would that work today?  Why?

It seems to be helpful to get behind a certain political party versus trying to run in a election without one. I tend to think that without a party a lot more things to help our country could and would get done since there isn't a certain way a particular parties platform stands, allowing people to vote with what makes more sense.

3. Please research lesser known political parties - which one do you most identify with?  Why?

I'm sure there are several that have some great ideas, I found myself intrested with the green party. I like several of their set values, and also the fact that they don't accept money from corporations. Sounds like a party that won't get their vote bought.

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