Friday, September 2, 2011

Chapter 1

I’ve always thought that the power that each person has being an American citizen is a great one. Democracy has always been taken for granted. How can someone have the right to complain about what our government is doing, but not go vote? People need appreciate the country we live in and the power we have.
Separation of power is an important part of our government because is stops one area of government to control or monopolize a certain issue without it being heard and discussed by all. Think about it, if the Congress had the bright idea to create a certain law that wasn’t Constitutionally correct, and we didn’t have the Supreme Court to make sure it was or wasn’t, we would have all kinds of crazy unfair laws.
My political view is more moderate that either left or right. I’ve found myself agreeing with the Democrats more and Republicans, but also don’t think either of them have all the right answers.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Tim,
    Wow, I really agree with the way you think, I like that you expressed ....we have the power to do but yet we fail. Very interesting blog
    Have a great Day
