Saturday, September 24, 2011

Chapter 4

1. Freedom of Speech:  How important is it?  Does the freedom go "too far"?  What areas of speech should not be protected?

Being allowed to express how you feel is one of the most important parts of the Bill of Rights. Without it no one would be able to give different ideas to come together to some type of agreement. Freedom could never go to far as long as it didn't cause injustice to someone else. All areas of speech should be allowed as long as it wouldn't cause harm on another rights.

2. Freedom of Religion:  Is separation of church and state necessary?  Why or why not?

I think that having our government out of our personal relationships with religion is a very import and necessary provision. The government shouldn't tell someone how they should believe or we wouldn't be free at all!

3. Criminal Procedure:  Are defendant's rights crucial to our system of government?  Why or why not?  Many argue that defendants have too many rights - do you agree?  Why or why not?

Yes, all people are created equal and with that should have the same rights as all. Defendants are held against their will to prove themselves innocent and should have every right possible that doesn't infringe on their rights for due process. 

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